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What’s your monthly, weekly, and daily social media strategy? Do you have content you would like to promote? Are there any upcoming events or specials that you want to be promoted? Do you have any announcements to make? We’ll help you plan out the messages you want to post on social media each month and ensure they get posted up to three times a day, seven days a week. You should view your social media presence as a way to engage in 2-way conversations. A key component in managing a successful social media strategy is to actively engage your target audience on a regular basis. That requires that you consistently interact and respond to them. 

We actively monitor your social media accounts and will reply to positive comments made by your fans and followers, thanking them for their support and loyalty to your business. We’ll also answer questions asked by your audience inquiring about your company's products and services. Engagement on this level is what will help you increase awareness to your brand and create a strong social presence.

Facebook Marketing

 Did you know posts on Facebook will get 60% more engagement if you use 250 characters or less.


 Facebook stats

  • 54% of B2B marketers generated leads from social media

  • Facebook has 802 million daily active users.

  • Companies ignore 70% of Facebook questions.

Twitter Marketing

 In the second quarter of 2015 Twitter avenged 304 million monthly active users.



  • 5 out of 10 twitter users are from USA

  • Send the same tweet twice and get 95%  of the clicks you received the first time.

  • Shorten your links for more engagement.

LinkedIn Marketing

 LinkedIn has surpased 300 Million active users.



  • 187 million unique visits /month

  • 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn

  • 56% of users are male

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